Annual Parish Meeting Provides Lifesaving Experience!
24th May 2018
The parish council held its Annual Parish Meeting in Eynsford Village Hall on 11th May.
This was our annual chance for parishioners to come and chat to councillors and to find out what their priorities are and how they can help with local issues.
We were also delighted to welcome a number of stallholders representing local charities and agencies including: The Environment Agency, Kent Fire and Rescue, Kent Air Ambulance, Kent Police, Alzheimers Support, Citizen's Advice Bureau, Kent Wildlife Trust, Community Warden service, Kent County Council and Sevenoaks District Council.
Also on display were a number of old photos of Eynsford - particularly of our village shops from years gone by, kindly provided by Jan Wilkes and Barbara Cannell.
We were pleased to offer free CPR training in the Darenth Room where a number of parishioners young and not so young learnt what to do in an emergency, how to do CPR and how to operate a defibrillator. Many thanks to Andy for providing this training.
A highlight of the evening was the Community Award. We were fortunate that Mr Christopher Woodley, Vice Chair of Kent Association of Local Councils could come along and present the award to Margaret Newbold. Margaret has served the village for many many years in various ways. In particular she was recognised for editing the Trident magazine for 37 years! Margaret was presented with a certificate by Mr Woodley and with flowers by the chair of the parish council Sarah Boyle.
Thank you to everyone who came. If you were not able to attend, you can find the parish council reports attached here .