Casual Vacancy April 2020

21st April 2020

We are sad to announce that Cllr Theresa Durrant has stepped down from the council due to work commitments. Theresa has been an important part of the council for many years, and for the past year has been Chair of the council.

This means that we now have a vacancy for a new councillors.

This post will either be filled by election or co-option. If you wish to request that an election is held, then please write to the Proper Officer, Council Offices, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks TN13 1HG by 12 May 2020. If 10 or more electors of Eynsford request an election, it may be somewhat delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic. Here is the official notice .

If no election is requested, then the parish council may co-opt a new councillor.

If you are interested in joining the council, please email the Clerk on and we will send you details of how to apply in the case of no election.

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