Eynsford's Arbor Day
28th September 2023
Eynsford will be celebrating Arbor Day on Saturday 30th September. Arbor Day is a celebration of trees and often includes tree planting.
Arbor Day is of particular importance to Eynsford as this is where Elliott Down Tills lived when he brought the idea of Arbor Day to the UK from the USA in 1897. Eynsford is also home to various tree acrostics planted around the village.
On Saturday 30th September, members of the public will visit the newest of these - the Lullingstone Tree Acrostic planted earlier this year as part of the Queen's Green Canopy. The meeting point is Lullingstone Roman Villa and this will involve a walk over the fields to view the new trees. Following will be a guided walk to look at significant trees in the village followed by a 'celebration' in Millfield at the north end of Eynsford. There will be music, refreshments and lots of information about trees.
All are welcome and there is no charge to participate.
This is a detailed guide of the new acrostic and the trees on the walking route amended_a3_arbor_day_tree_walk470.pdf