Eynsford Fireworks

8th November 2014

Eynsford Fireworks

Eynsford Fireworks will take place tonight in a field behind Furlongs Farm, Riverside with the backdrop of Eynsford castle. This is usually an excellent display put on by a group of volunteers in the village.

A parade led by the guy will leave Anthony Roper Primary School at 6.15pm and walk down to the site.

Refreshments will be on sale provided by the local Scout Group and others, as will raffle tickets.

Tickets for the fireworks can be bought on the gate for £5.

All profits are donated to local groups.

There is no parking on site and visitors are urged to walk if possible. If you do need to drive, please park considerately of other motorists and pedestrians.

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3rd February 2025, 19:30

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20th February 2025, 19:30

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3rd March 2025, 19:30

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