Free Trees Offered in Eynsford

5th February 2019

Free Trees Offered in Eynsford

Tree Planting in Eynsford

Holly Ivaldi, Clerk & Ken Baker, Tree Warden

Trees play an important part of our street scene and surrounding countryside in Eynsford and the Darent Valley, and as a parish council we are keen to preserve and continue this tradition. Did you know that there are a few Tree Acrostics around the village?

In 1897 Elliott Downs Till introduced 'Arbor Day' to Eynsford to commemorate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Trees were planted acrosticly around the school (now Fountain Court), the common name initial letters spelt out "My son be wise". There have been many plantings since then, but we have also lost many trees in the village.

We are very grateful to have received a donation of a number of three year old 3ft saplings ready for planting. These cannot all be placed on parish council land so we are eager to hear from both landowners and members of the public who might be able to put them to good use.

The trees are 7 Oak, 8 Beech (can be used for hedging), 6 Silver Birch, 6 Service trees, about 40 Hawthorn (good for hedging), 20 Rowan/Mountain Ash. 3 Wych Elms and 3 Twisted Willows. They all come with rabbit protectors and stakes. These are all native trees and grow well in our area.

If you think you could plant one or more on your land, please get in touch. Maybe you have had to remove a damaged or diseased tree and would like to replace it?

The saplings are free, but you would be responsible for the watering through the first couple of years and any costs of planting.

If you would like advice on the best tree for your space, get in touch with one of our Tree Wardens - Ken Baker 07788 667016 or John Gee

To request a tree contact Eynsford Parish Council on 

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