New Chairperson for Eynsford Parish Council

23rd May 2019

New Chairperson for Eynsford Parish Council

At the council's AGM on 16th May, Cllr Theresa Durrant was elected as the new chairperson for Eynsford Parish Council. Theresa replaces Cllr Sarah Boyle who stepped down from the role after four years.

Cllr Durrant thanked Mrs Boyle for all of her work as chairperson and in representing the council.

Mrs Durrant joined the council in 2014 and has spent time as Chairperson of the Recreation committee, and has led on GDPR work and in enabling a new Speedwatch group in the village.

We look forward to working with Theresa during the coming year.

Upcoming dates

Parish Council Meeting
20th February 2025, 19:30

Committee Meetings
3rd March 2025, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting
20th March 2025, 19:30

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