New Eynsford Football Pitch Opens
9th September 2024
Saturday 7th September saw the inaugural match on the new Harrow Meadow football pitch between members of resident clubs Eynsford Football Club and Riverside Wanderers Football Club. Many supporters and members of the local community came out to watch the match on the new pitch followed by a social event at the Five Bells.

The football clubs, with support from the parish council, hope to increase participation by setting up a girls' team and are also looking at the possibility of creating a women's team. If you would like to be involved, or can help to manage or run a new team, please get in touch. If you know any girls that would like to play in Eynsford let us know or contact Eynsford Football Club directly.
The old pitch was at 90 degrees to the new one and had a notorious slope as well as being prone to flooding. The new pitch has been funded by Eynsford Parish Council and Eynsford Village Hall as part of the New Village Hall project. Additional grants from KCC and SDC together with fundraising income have also contributed towards the project.
Moving and improving the pitch, as well as proving a fabulous amenity for our village, will allow for a new hall to be built on Harrow Meadow to replace the old hall on the High Street which has serious structural issues. Planning permission allows for the new hall, car park and football pitch to be built on Harrow Meadow.
Preliminary work on the car park area was carried out to allow parking for the new pitch and to provide easier access for vehicles once the new hall build begins.
A final £250K needs to be raised before work can start on the hall. A major grant application was delayed due to the change in government but we are working with village hall trustees to find alternative sources of funding.
We wish both our football clubs the best for the coming season.
Thank you to Chris Lewington for the photos.