Proposed Sites for Development
7th July 2016
In order to produce robust planning policy, Sevenoaks District Council is reviewing where new housing development could take place. They have asked landowners to propose any site they would like to be considered as part of the process. These sites have been identified by landowners, not by SDC.
Four sites have been put forward in Eynsford:
- 1.Land at Mote Cottages
- 2.HO156 - Land south of Eynsford Rise
- 3.HO157 - Land south west of Eynsford Rise
- 4.HO81 - Land east/north east of Priory Lane (straddles Eynsford and Farningham)
The formal consultation process has yet to begin and no decisions have been made, although we expect the consultation to open in the coming weeks.
Eynsford Parish Council believes the preservation of the Green Belt is extremely important.
The Council also recognises the need for housing, particularly small or low cost housing in Eynsford parish.
When the Council is invited to respond, we will do so in a considered way, bearing in mind the needs and concerns of all parishioners.
Information about the submission of sites on Sevenoaks District Council's website