Volunteer Warden wanted for Eynsford!
23rd March 2017
Eynsford & Farningham Parish Councils are seeking a Volunteer Warden to work in the two villages as part of the Kent County Council Community Warden service.
Why volunteer?
As a Volunteer Support Warden you will make a difference to residents and help to create resilient neighbourhoods. The role will be challenging at times but rewarding and you will be improving the well-being of the residents in your local area. You will meet new people, learn new skills and provide valuable support to local residents.
What will wardens be expected to do?
Support Community Wardens by identifying issues and feeding back to relevant services including Trading Standards and the Police. Liaise with organisations including Neighbourhood Watch, Victim Support and the Fire and Rescue Service. Attend local groups and meetings providing advice on topical issues and provide local residents with crime prevention materials to reduce their fear of crime.
Volunteer Wardens will be expected to give a minimum of 20 hours a month and full training and uniform will be given as well as travel expenses.
If you are interested contract Kent Community Warden Service on 03000 413455 or fill in an online application form at kent.gov.uk/community wardens. DEADLINE EXTENDED - NEW DATE TBC.