You Could be a Parish Councillor!

12th February 2019

Parish Council Elections: Will You Stand?

On 2nd May 2019 the local elections will take place in England. Parish council elections take place every four years where members of the community are elected to represent their locality.

There are eight councillors on Eynsford Parish Council. If more than eight candidates are nominated and go forward for election, there will be a vote at the polling station. If eight or fewer stand, then they will be automatically elected.

Would you like to make a difference in Eynsford, improve the quality of life and well-being of the community, and give residents a voice?

Do you feel that you are represented by the parish council? If not, then why not stand and make your views heard?

The work of the parish council includes:

·Commenting on planning and tree work applications in Eynsford

·Commenting on local and national planning policy

·Commenting on local and county highways initiatives

·Looking after Eynsford's streetlights

·Looking after Eynsford's recreation areas

·Managing Castlefield Allotments

·Working with Kent Highways on highways issues

·Working with Sevenoaks District Council on parking, amenity services and more

·Working with the police to tackle local crime

·Supporting the community, local groups and charities

·Providing information and advice to residents

Eynsford Parish Council usually meets on the first Monday and third Thursday of each month for an evening meeting and councillors are expected to attend where possible.

If you are interested and would like to find out more, then contact the parish office or speak to one of our parish councillors to find out what is involved.

If you wish to stand you must be 18 years old or above, a local government elector, live or work in the parish or live within three miles of the parish. You must complete and submit your nomination forms to Sevenoaks District Council by the closing date.

The role is voluntary, but you may claim reasonable expense. All councillors are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct and to complete a Register of Interests.

Important Dates:

Publication of the Notice of Election by 26th March

(by Sevenoaks District Council)

Delivery of nomination papers by 4pm, 3rd April

(by Candidates to Sevenoaks District Council)

Publication of Statement of persons nominated by 4pm, 4th April

(by Sevenoaks District Council)

If there are any alterations, these will be published subsequently.

Polling Day 2nd May

For any further help or advice contact the Clerk on or 01322 865320 or the Electoral team at Sevenoaks District Council.

We hope you will consider joining the parish council, we are friendly and keen to make our village a better place for everyone!

For more general information about the elections follow this link:

Upcoming dates

Parish Council Meeting
20th February 2025, 19:30

Committee Meetings
3rd March 2025, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting
20th March 2025, 19:30

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