Committee Meeting
4th May 2020, 20:00
The following items will be included on the agendas for the meetings of the Planning and Community & Environment Committees of the Parish Council on Monday 4th May at 8pm via video conferencing.
If you would like to 'attend' the meeting, please email by 7pm on 4th May to receive the link.
·Planning Application SE/20/00984/FUL - Unit 4, Lullingstone Park Farm Barn Estate, Lullingstone Lane, Eynsford
·Planning Application SE/20/01095/HOUSE - Little House, Crockenhill Lane, Eynsford
·Planning Application SE/20/01147/AGRNOT - Land South of Bower Park Farm, Bower Lane, Eynsford
·Listing of 'Lucy Box', Eynsford
·Policing and Social Distancing
N.B. The meeting will adjourn at the discretion of the respective Chairpersons in order to receive questions from members of the public for a period of no longer than 30 minutes. The Chairperson respectfully requests that questions be restricted to items under discussion, or new matters arising. Queries relating to the progress of issues currently in hand may be raised with the Clerk, in writing, by email or by telephone, during normal working hours.
Local Government Act 2000 - Code of Conduct and Register of Members' Interests are available for inspection at the Parish Office, Priory Lane, Eynsford at any reasonable time by prior appointment with the Clerk.