Parish Council Meeting

16th April 2020, 20:00

Parish Council Meeting

9th April 2020

The following items will be included on the agenda for the meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 16th April 2020, at 8p.m. The meeting will take place 'virtually' by video conferencing.

If you would like to receive an email invitation to join the meeting, please send an email to before 7pm on 16th April..


Declarations of Interest

Approval of Minutes

Finance notes

Outstanding Actions

Cancellation of Annual Meeting

Membership of KALC


Notice of planning consents/refusals

Planning Applications reviewed since the last meeting

Planning Application - SE/20/00892/FUL - Oakdene, Uplands, Chanros & Springpark, Station Road, Eynsford

Highways & Transportation

Highways Improvement Plan

Community & EnvironmentPolice Report

St Martin's Churchyard Closure

Membership of Kent Wildlife Trust

Green Waste

Donation to British Red Cross


Removal of a Tree

Water Testing Contract

Local Government Act 2000 - Code of Conduct and Register of Members' Interests are available for inspection at the Parish Office, Priory Lane, Eynsford at any reasonable time by prior appointment with the Clerk.

N.B. The meeting will adjourn at the discretion of the respective Chairmen in order to receive questions from members of the public for a period of no longer than 30 minutes. The Chairmen respectfully request that questions be restricted to items under discussion, or new matters arising. Queries relating to the progress of issues currently in hand may be raised with the Clerk, in writing or by telephone, during normal working hours.

Upcoming dates

Committee Meetings
3rd February 2025, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting
20th February 2025, 19:30

Committee Meetings
3rd March 2025, 19:30

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