News from in and around Eynsford.
New Community Transport Scheme for Eynsford
7th May 2024
Darent Valley Community Church are setting up a volunteer driver scheme to help those without cars and/or limited mobility to get to medical and other important appointments.If you can help to drive your own car, an accesible vehicle or to help with co-ordination, do get in touch with Steve on...
More support for The Space
28th March 2024
We are pleased to announce that we were successful in our bid for a grant of £1000 from the 'Cost of Living' fund managed by KCC and KALC. We applied for funding to give to The Space, an excellent community initiative set up by Darent Valley Community Church with help from lots of other...
Community Litter Pick
14th March 2024
Eynsford's Green Team are organising a community litter pick on Sunday 24th March from 2-4pm. We will meet at the recycling layby at 2pm and work in that area and possibly other areas too, depending on the number of volunteers. We will provide litter pickers, bags and high viz jackets. Please...
How Can we Help You?
27th February 2024
How to get help and advice The parish council can help you with many issues or questions about services and amenities in Eynsford. If we cannot help you directly we should be able to point you in the right direction to get the support or information you need. The parish clerks will be able...
Casual Vacancy
15th February 2024
Would you like to join the parish council? We have a vacancy for a councillor. This is a voluntary position. You could help to shape our village and community. If you would like to find out more email for more information. The deadline for applications is...
Merry Christmas
21st December 2023
We wish everyone in the parish of Eynsford a peaceful christmas and new year. The parish office will now be closed until 2nd January. We will respond to any emails or phone messages on our return. ...
Have your say! Sevenoaks District Council Local Plan 2040
14th December 2023
Have your say on Sevenoaks District Council's new Local Plan. The plan includes proposed new housing development in the district. Sevenoaks District Council has set out 4 options for development in their Local Plan. They have set a housing target of 10,680 new homes over 15 years (to...
Halloween - Trick or Treat
31st October 2023
Many people enjoy celebrating halloween and dressing up. However, some people do not celebrate or may not feel safe, so please be considerate. Kent police have provided the following guidelines for those considering trick or treating. If you have young children: • Never let young children...
Eynsford's Arbor Day
28th September 2023
Eynsford will be celebrating Arbor Day on Saturday 30th September. Arbor Day is a celebration of trees and often includes tree planting. Arbor Day is of particular importance to Eynsford as this is where Elliott Down Tills lived when he brought the idea of Arbor Day to the UK from the USA in...
Casual Vacancy
27th September 2023
Recently Eynsford Parish Council's Cllr Richardson stepped down from the council, after 10 years of service. We wish him well in his retirement from the council, however, that does mean we have a vacancy for a councillor. As of 17th October, no election has been called, so the...