Individual Carbon Footprint - March 2023

6th July 2023

Eynsford Green Team: Personal Carbon Footprint March 2023

Annual overview: Personal Carbon Footprint by month 2022 and 2023


My carbon footprint in March 2023 was actually slightly higher than the previous month although lower than in 2022. The change from 2022 comes firstly from having more people in the house (we are hosting a Ukrainian family) so the energy use per person has become less – this is a personal (1 person) carbon footprint. Secondly from switching from a diesel to an electric car, so car footprint comes down but electricity has gone up.

March Month: Personal Carbon Footprint 2022 and 2023


My March footprint (0.42 T/CO2e) was slightly higher than February (0.39 T/CO2e). Two main factors – house gas use went up 10% (3451 kwh Mar vs 3079 kwh in Feb). In my mind I think March was a bit grey and damp so that may be the explanation. The official statistics come out a month in arrears so I only have Feb to go on, we’ll have to wait next month to see if that’s correct. House electricity use mainly from charging the car went up to 519 kwh March vs 380 kwh Feb given higher mileage in the car.

In the month 161 kwh were produced by the PV panels on my roof, around half of which was utilized in the house and half exported to the grid. 519kwh were taken from the grid. 315kwh were used to charge the car and 284 kwh to light and power the house.


We would love to receive any questions and could use this forum to discuss the most common ones.

Author: Holly Ivaldi


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