New Logo for the Green Team!

7th July 2020

The Eynsford Green Team

When we formed an eco/green sub-committee last year we decided we needed a name and a logo which would help explain who we are and what we are trying to achieve. We are a small group made up of parish councillors and residents who wish to promote environmentally friendly ideas and practices within the village. We wish to see how as a village we can improve our environmental impact and suggest ways to encourage residents and groups within the village to do the same.

We decided on our name, the Eynsford Green Team but for our logo we needed help and we called upon the creative minds of the pupils of the Antony Roper School. At a similar time to us the Anthony Roper School had also formed their own green team and had signed up to the Eco Partnership Schools Award Scheme, a national school environmental initiative.

The school were delighted when we asked for ideas for posters and a logo for the team. We had some fabulous ideas. Here is Nate Morgan's design which was chosen as the overall winner and we have used this for our logo, see above. We love the way the logo captures both the village and the message, well done and thank you Nate!

logo design by nate morgan

Alex Carter and Ellie Hatton also put forward ideas for ensuring we use plastic wisely and keep our rivers clean.

logo design by alex carter

logo design by ellie hatton

We were so impressed we want to use these too so watch out for the posters with our posts. All three children were awarded prizes of recycled note pads, wildflower seeds and some fair-trade chocolate. Thank you so much to all the children who took time to enter and think about the issues. We look forward to working with the Anthony Roper School and their green team in the future on joint initiative.

So now we have our name and logo we need to get to work. We are reviewing whether the village should have a water refill station for residents and locals to reduce plastic water bottle consumption, whether an electric charging point(s) in the village is viable and if there is spare land/verges which could be planted with trees and hedging. Please do contact us on if you have any thoughts on any of these issues or any other environmentally friendly ideas.

By Jane Laird 

Author: Holly Ivaldi


What can be done locally to improve wildlife habitat? Verges/hedgerows/use of pesticides?

Vanessa Rogers - 08th July 2020 at 7:50am

Hi, I am the childcare manager from Anthony Roper Preschool. We've been engaging in environmental awareness with our young children for many years now. We are currently undertaking an Education for Sustainable Development Award, which is linked to the United Nations Global Development Goals. We have a small allotment garden at the front of the building which we are struggling to keep on top of. Made even worse during the lockdown. If anyone would be interested in creating a community vegetable garden, we would be open to suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you. Sam

Samantha Aitchison - 07th July 2020 at 7:09pm

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