Community & Environment


The parish council supports the community of Eynsford and offers support where appropriate. For example, the council has supported the village hall trustees in their applications for funding and has given financial support to various village groups. The council looks after the two defibrillators in the village at the village hall and at the station which means it is the first point of contact and responsible for any maintenance. 

The parish council researched flooding in the village and produced a leaflet for local residents. Further information can be found here flooding leaflet.

We work closely with the Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) in reacting to issues that arise within the parish.

We offer a photocopying/printing service for local residents. Details are available from the parish clerk.


The council provides various amenities around the village including benches, noticeboards and bins. We also pay a Litter Warden to collect litter from our land every week.

Environment, Wildlife and Natural Habitats

The council works together with the Green Team to promote biodiversity, and natural habitats in some areas.

The council is part of the Darent Valley Landscape Partnership which is a group led by Kent Downs AONB applying for funding to carry out a number of projects that are heritage, environmental and community based.

The council support Eynsford in Bloom in its work around the village improving our environment and also developing wildlife areas.

Charities and Donations

The parish council gives a variety of donations throughout the year to charities and other organisations which provide services to our parishioners.

Working with Other Agencies

The Council supports, lobbies and receives support from a number of agencies that serve Eynsford. Many of them are listed here with relevant links, where available.

Action with Communities in Rural Kent

  • Provide direct advice and support to community organisations
  • Stimulate community action, particularly voluntary action, and encourage good practice
  • Develop and manage demonstration projects
  • Provide professional support and advice to key service providers
  • Raise awareness of rural issues and influence decision makers

Our current expertise includes the management of community-owned buildings such as village halls, development of social enterprises, enabling the provision of local needs housing, helping people find work and business support for village shops.

Rural Age Concern Darent Valley (RACDV) Tel: 01322 668106

RACDV is an independent registered charity providing a day centre and hot meals, lunch clubs, activities, transport and shopping trips for elderly and frail clients over the state retirement age and resident in the RACDV catchment area including the southern parishes of Dartford Borough Council and the northern parishes of Sevenoaks District Council.

Citizens Advice North & West Kent

Provides free, confidential and impartial advice and campaigns on big issues affecting people's lives.
Our goal is to help everyone find a way forward, whatever problem they face.
We're an independent charity and part of the Citizens Advice network across England and Wales.

Campaign to Protect Rural England

We campaign for a beautiful and living countryside. We work to protect, promote and enhance our towns and countryside to make them better places to live, work and enjoy, and to ensure the countryside is protected for now and future generations.

Darent Valley Landscape Partnership

The project aims to bring together groups and organisations to help conserve, protect and improve access to the natural and cultural heritage found in this beautiful rural valley in North West Kent. 

Environment Agency

We work to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development.

Kent County Council

Kent Fire & Rescue Service

Kent Libraries Service

Kent County Playing Fields Association

Its fundamental objective is to ensure that there are adequate facilities for recreation in every city, town and village in Kent and to encourage the provision, improvement, retention and use of playing fields, children's playgrounds and other recreational centres.

Kent Police

Kent Wildlife Trust

The leading conservation organisation covering the whole of Kent and Medway, dedicated to protecting wildlife and wild habitats for everyone to enjoy.

North West Kent Countryside Partnership

The North West Kent Countryside Partnership works throughout the boroughs of Bexley, Sevenoaks, Dartford and Gravesham on a wide variety of community conservation projects.

Our Partnership has four main strands of work:

  • Landscape & Biodiversity
  • Education & Learning
  • Community-based Initiatives
  • Health & Wellbeing 

North West Kent Volunteer Centre

We aim to enhance our community by promoting, supporting and delivering volunteering and active citizenship.

Sevenoaks District

The Woodland Trust

As the UK's largest woodland conservation charity, we are the leading voice for woods and trees. We campaign to protect precious ancient woods, restore the ones that are damaged and fight for those under threat. We create new native woodland around the UK with the help of communities, schools, organisations and individuals.

We inspire people up and down the country to visit woods, plant trees, treasure wildlife, and enjoy the overwhelming benefits that woods and trees offer to our landscape and lives.

Upcoming dates

Parish Council Meeting
20th February 2025, 19:30

Committee Meetings
3rd March 2025, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting
20th March 2025, 19:30

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