Finance and Budgets

Finance and Budgets

The parish council sets a budget each year for the following financial year. This is based on past costs and projections of future needs. The main part of the council's income is paid through a precept from Sevenoaks District Council. This money is a proportion of householders' council tax bills. Other income comes from various rents as well as continuing rolling funds. Sometimes the council successfully bids for grant funds for particular projects.

The council receives monthly accounts at its main meetings. The accounts are checked monthly by councillors and undergo an internal and external audit every year.

Notice of Completion of Audit 2023-2024
Notice of completion of Audit dated 2 September 2024
Accounting Statement

Financial Regulations

The council's finances are managed in line with these Financial Regulations

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The council sometimes receives a proportion of the CIL paid for development in our parish. This is ring-fenced for infrastructure projects. We are required to complete an annual return relating to these payments which can be found here.

CIL Report for 2019 - 2020

CIL Report for 2020-2021

CIL Report for 2021-2022

CIL Report for 2022-2023

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